Thursday, May 01, 2003

tomorrow's labour day! labour day=public holiday=freedom! haha.. finally out again.. heh.. yesterday did my last IV poking for the 20G needle, which is quite small.. next week, we are starting with the 16G.. a needle that looks like a yakult straw... yikes i wonder how it would feel.. not too good i suppose.. we had a good laugh during our lesson today.. never laughed so hard in a long time.. heh.. the sergeant got the blur people of our section to do a demo of assessing and treating a casualty whose stomach was slashed and his guts were spilling and they took half an hour to turn the guy on his back! haha by that time the kway chap uncle can come get his stomach and intestines to go make kway chap already lah.. heh.. quite fun lah today.. and i have this sergeant in my platoon who is like 20 yrs old and he is already married with 2 children! makes one wonder.. how he does it.. i think its shotgun.. heh.. and he has that sort of innocent face also.. dun look capable of doing this sort of stuff.. heh..

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