Thursday, April 07, 2005


By now, everyone should know that Pope John Paul II has gone home to the Lord.. When I heard the news, I followed the CNN very closely cos reading Angels and Demons sparked some interest in all the tradition in the death of a pope and the re-election of a new one. When I watched segments of the Pope's life, I really felt that he was truly a great man, expecially when he went to visit his assassin in jail and forgave him. It must take a lot to be able to forgive the person who tried to kill you. And also when he started this World Youth Day thing where he tried to reach out to the youth, who are not as religious as the older generation and the youths were all like chanting his name.. whoah.. At least he is suffering no longer from all his illnesses and that he died in serenity with the chorus of prayer from people all over the world.. I hope that the next pope would be able to fill his large shoes and carry on his work..

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